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Showing Category: Knowledge center


Leveraging Automation to Increase Milking Parlor Efficiency

The milking parlor is the heart of every dairy farm. A mismanaged parlor can negatively impact a farm’s critical areas of profitability, including an increase in cases of mastitis in cows, chronic teat problems and other health issues that can influence fertility, feed efficiency and welfare – ultimately ending in lost milk and lost revenue.


Precision dairy farming: How technology can benefit dairy herd management

Increasing dairy herd size, shortage of available workers and rising labor costs has made it increasingly difficult for producers to provide specific attention to each individual animal. Due to these changes in the dynamics of herds size and production per animal, as well as the growing concerns surrounding animal welfare, the dairy industry has become one of the leading adopters of precision technology.


10 Insights to Boost Your Milking Parlor’s Performance

In this blog, we focus on Afimilk’s MPC – a highly advanced milk meter that collects detailed minute-by-minute data from your parlor. You can use this data to evaluate your existing milking protocol, spot inefficiencies, and remediate issues.


Best Practices For Increased Milking Parlor Revenue

Data is the key to improving your farm’s efficiency and boosting your bottom line but to get the most of your data, you need to have the tools to analyze it. Using Afimilk’s MPC in conjunction with the milk efficiency module in Afifarm presents you with data that makes it easy for you to quickly glean practical information at a glance, with the option to delve deeper into the data if you wish.


Unlocking the Hidden Value in Your Milk Parlor

Dairy farm so it makes sense to focus significant attention on the milk parlor when looking for ways to boost your farm’s profitability. By using milk monitoring tools, you can collect vast amounts of milking data and store it for later analysis. The best parlor solutions provide an accurate snapshot of what is going on day to day in the milking parlor down to the individual cow level, giving you the information you need to evaluate your milking protocols and plan for a more efficient future.

Efficient Farm app with Afi2Go

Afi2Go: A Paperless Farm is an Efficient Farm

Is there anything your smartphone can’t do?
With Afi2Go Prime, your smartphone can add farm management to its repertoire!
Read our newest blog post and learn how this simple but powerful mobile app can turn your farm into a model of paperless efficiency

milking parlor

Time to Automate Your Dairy Farm!

If you’re ready to automate your farm or you want to ramp up your automation, check out some of the Afimilk products mentioned in this article and explore how they can help you achieve your goals.


Waste Not. Want Not!

The farm is home to 1800 dairy cattle, with 1200 Holstein cows calving annually. Robhoek is spread across 240 hectares of irrigated ryegrass pasture and plants 60 hectares of maize for silage annually. The solutions presented here enable the farm to save costs on food and supplements as well as ensure that each cow is fed a diet tailored to its nutritional needs.

Aficollar - Monitor all cows in the farm

AfiCollar in Action! Based on the Real-Life Experience on Robhoek Farm, SA

A collar worn around the neck of each cow continuously measures neck movements providing accurate real-time information regarding each cow’s rumination and eating time, and neck activity (useful in heat detection). The data from the collars allows farmworkers to extrapolate critical information regarding cow health and wellbeing in real-time.

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