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Showing Category: Nutrition

Employing AfiLab™ for commercialized real time, on-line milk separation according to its clotting properties


Where the milk starts talking.
Integrated milking point analysis and control.

Afimilk needs & solutions

We are here to provide diary producers with the technology and knowledge to profitably produce high quality milk.

Proper control brings positive returns (Stuart Mackenzie)

Proper control brings positive returns

“About three years ago I was in an aggressive expansion phase. For me to get a good quota, I had to get my cow numbers up quickly. When I got the chance to acquire an Ayrshire herd, I not only could up my milk production, but it also offered me the opportunity to differentiate a little bit in terms of the price I receive for my milk, Ayrshire milk being regarded as different from Holstein milk.”

Put your cows on auto control

Put your cows on auto control

The system makes it possible to take care of each cow individually, even if it is part of a very large herd. As a matter of fact, the larger the herd, the sooner the system will be able to “pay for itself”. The Afimilk dairy management system is a product of SAE Afikim, a company that has specialized in computerized systems for the modern dairy farm for the past 30 years.

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